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ROWING 411 and FAQ's

Resources for Rowers and Parents


2024 Splash Jacket Order Form


USNA Adult Waiver


USNA Youth Waiver


Participation Agreement & Code of Conduct


B-CC Crew Boosters, Inc. Revised By-Laws


Most Common Team Blades


Quick Guide to Rowing for Parents


B-CC Crew Informational Slideshow (PDF)


Registration Packet


Swim Test Form


US Rowing Waiver (for Camp)



B-CC Crew Safety Guide

Safety is a priority for everyone associated with B-CC Crew, and everyone plays a role in ensuring the safe conduct of our rowing program. The B-CC Crew Safety Guide is meant to provide a general framework for coaches and athletes to follow both on the water and on land. 


B-CC Crew Questions and Answers for Families

Parents of Novice Rowers may appreciate reading Quick Crew Guide for Parents. And for all families, reviewing this is a great way to get started for the season.


Financial Assistance Form

Need-based financial assistance is available. Apply by downloading this Financial Assistance Form prior to completing your online registration, and send to Rachel White at


Refund Policy

The B-CC Crew Boosters refund policy for all athletes for all seasons is as follows:  The registration fee is refundable if the team administrator is notified in writing (electronically is acceptable) prior to the FIRST DAY of practice.  A small processing fee will be charged ($15-fall/winter, $25-spring).  If an athlete decides not to participate within the first week of practice, a 75% refund will be given if (i) the athlete notifies the coach of their withdrawal prior to the end of the first week; and (ii) a request is made to the team administrator for a refund no later than the end of the first week.  An athlete who elects to leave the program after the first week will not be eligible for a refund.


Exception to the Policy — An athlete who is injured and not able to complete the season shall receive a pro-rated refund of fees after a written request to the team administrator accompanied by a doctor's note.


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Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School Crew Boosters, Inc.

P.O. Box 15361, Chevy Chase, MD  20825

A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit • EIN 52-1861272

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